2025 Spring Festival Application & Brochure
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*No commercial or direct sales spaces available (i.e. Scentsy, Pampered Chef, etc.)
*Limited sponsorships available - see Sponsor Information tab.
***Please be advised that if you ever have questions about participating in our shows, please contact our show office directly by email at hpifestivals@cox.net or by phone at 402-331-2889. No booths or tickets to our shows are ever sold on Facebook. We would never ask for payment over an electronic payment platform (i.e. Paypal, Venmo, etc.). Please see our official application above.***
If you would like to be added to our exhibitor mailing list to automatically receive the future show information, please send us an email at hpifestivals@cox.net and include your mailing address, phone number, and a description of your handcrafted art or craft.